Buzz Kill Zero
Buzz Kill Zero is an arcade shooter that blends gameplay from retro 80’s games that brings some modern bullet-hell elements.
Try and stop the rouge satellite, P.R.O.J.E.C.T.B.U.Z.Z. and all of her minions from eradicating all human life on Earth.
Go through five stages blasting her forces until you reach her monstrous form. As you play, rack up as many points as possible with the CHAIN system, which rewards you more points for every enemy you destroy quickly.
The more you play, you’ll uncover even more scoring tricks to take you back to the days of the arcade.
Compete against the world on leaderboards and prove your abilities with achievements. Four different skill levels suit your gameplay needs. Do you have what it takes?
Buzz Kill Zero is a classic style shmup where you destroy waves of incoming enemies and dodge their attacks.
But as the game goes on, you go from battling waves of organized enemies to legions of ruthless opponents, showing you no mercy in their storm of attacks.
To deal with this madness, you can sacrifice some of power for weapons & abilities to help you make it through.
As you take down the enemy, you build up your RUSH multiplier, which builds up your score even more.

Game Overview
Shooter, Bullet-Hell, Arcade
Release Date
November 25th, 2019
PC (Steam)

Pure, retro arcade simplicity mixed with the deep score mechanics of a bullet hell!
Build your power to fire more powerful attacks, or sacrifice some of it to use your other insane weapons/abilities!
Unforgettable, exciting boss encounters that will bring your adrenaline to the MAX!
Mesmerizing 16-bit graphics with a great soundtrack!
Five crazy, unique missions. Fight through an enemy battleship, asteroid field, & more!
Four skill difficulties to suit all play styles, from the tameness of Level 1 for beginners to the absolute stupidity of Level 999 for the thrill seeker!
Several different modes, including a Survival, Caravan, and GalaPachi; each with their own local and online leaderboards for global competition!
Rebindable controls, additional side art work, and TATE mode!

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